Town of Alpena
    Wednesday, February 8, 20235:30 pm
    Alpena Community Center

    A.Call to Order

    B.Roll Call/Quorum

    C.Review / Approve Minutes of Previous Meetings

    D.Review / Approve Financial Report

    E.Review / Approve Accounts Payable

    F.Discuss City/Property Owner’s Responsibility of Water Meter Maintenance

    G.Discuss Removal and Erection of Stop Sign on South edge of Town

    H.Community Center Vending Machine

    I.Housing Study Interview

    J.Discuss Pool Improvements (Pool House/Slide)

    K.Seasonal Employees: Lifeguards

    L.Other Business / Open Forum:

    M.Executive Session


    Next Regular Meeting: Wednesday, March 8, 2023

    5:30 PM Alpena Community Center

    Below are phone numbers for the Mayor, Trustees and Town Employees, feel free to contact one of them if you have any questions or concerns.

    Jeff Kelsey, Mayor:  605-354-3506
    Gordon Knittel, Trustee: 605-770-0126
    Paul Weber, Trustee: 605-354-9359

    Andrew Small, Trustee:  605-412-1130

    Tara Viktora, Trustee:  605-350-6215

    Dallas Tebay, Maintenance Employee:  605-530-0543
    Shawn Ochsner, Finance Officer: 605-461-8436


    Alpena is located in the heart of East Central South Dakota. We're a small community with a diverse population. We are southwest of Huron and Northwest of Mitchell and are surrounded by several other small communities. This gives us the advantage of being centrally located for purposes of education, entertainment, shopping, etc. We celebrated 125 years in Alpena in 2008 with 3 days of great food, good fun and lots of memories.

    Last Date Updated:2/08/2019